Thursday, November 17, 2016

3 Ways Hydrostatic Testing Is Beneficial

Many business owners might not understand why it is so important to test their hydrostatic equipment. Here are three reasons to consider it, and how doing so can prevent further costs later on.

1. Testing Is Safer and Can Prevent Fines

When doing hydrostatic testing, it usually benefits the business to test and repair the tank. When companies don't make efforts to fix the equipment or keep their refrigerant recycling methods up to code, they can face hefty fines or even have to have the tank replaced entirely.

2. Testing Performed With Quality Equipment Ensures Success

When companies use quality, new equipment, the business can rest assured that they are being given current hydrostatic testing. Updated tools used to test also ensure that the system is working properly.

3. Maintenance Can Extend the Life of the Tanks

Having regular maintenance performed can prolong the life of tanks and equipment. If it is discovered that tanks need minor repairs during hydrostatic testing, owners can save a lot of money rather than buy brand new replacements.

By taking care of a refrigerant recycling system, companies can save themselves time and money. They can also have peace of mind by keeping in compliance with state laws.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What Is the Difference Between Refrigerant Recycling and Reclamation?

Refrigerant recycling and reclamation are important options for any business invested in cooling equipment. As refrigerant circulates through a system over time, it tends to accumulate contaminants and impurities. After extraction, many refrigerants can be recycled after filtration and oil separation processes. The Underwriters Laboratories and Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute both have standards of certification for equipment that can be used for refrigerant recycling. Many businesses choose recycling to save money, particularly for equipment that uses refrigerants like R-22 that are being phased out by the EPA. Recycled refrigerant must be used by the same owner or business. Given the rising costs of some increasingly scarce types, reclaimed refrigerants can be sold to an EPA-certified reclaimer instead of being recycled.

Challenges and Advantages of Reclamation

The refrigerant reclamation process requires that refrigerants at least meet the ARI-700 purity standards. In other words, the refrigerant must be filtered to the point where it meets the purity standards for new product, much more than that of refrigerant being recycled by the same company. By contacting a reclaimer with a "buyback program," businesses can inquire about whether the refrigerant in their system may be worth selling.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

How the Montreal Protocol Impacts Refrigerant Recycling in the United States

The Montreal Protocol went into effect in 1989. This international treaty governs the emissions of substances that can deplete the ozone. Since the inception of this treaty, specific changes have occurred in refrigerant recycling and other business operations in the United States. Companies that have ratified the Montreal Protocol have succeeded in reducing their overall consumption of ozone-depleting substances by about 95 percent.

The production and use of chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons were some of the first practices targeted by this treaty. Businesses within the participating countries began working diligently to phase out the use of these chemicals due to their negative impact on the environment.

Businesses have been working in more environmentally friendly ways to use refrigerants that work efficiently, sustainably, and with low leakage rates. Newer refrigerants are analyzed for safety, environmental impact, and efficiency. Many options exist, but these chemicals have varying degrees of safety and efficiency. One example of a newer refrigerant is carbon dioxide, which is a natural chemical compound that may be suitable for some industrial refrigeration applications.

With the potential for environmental damage with these chemicals, the process of refrigerant recycling becomes an important business consideration.